m2e-wtp error: <path>/target/m2e-wtp/web-resources/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (No such file or directory)

Solution 1:

Eclipse versions earlier than Luna

I'm not certain if this is the best thing to do but I followed the instructions mentioned here with regards to getting rid of the auto generated web resources folder and this seems to also resolve the issue with the missing MANIFEST.MF:

  • on your project only : right-click on the project > Properties > Maven > WTP : check "Enable Project Specific Settings" and uncheck "Maven Archiver generates files under the build directory"
  • on the whole workspace : Window > Preferences > Maven > WTP : uncheck "Maven Archiver generates files under the build directory"

We actually generate our manifest entries as part of the maven-war-plugin when we actually want to package/build the project, but I dont think m2e-wtp uses this. In any event, the manifest file is irrelevant for us in the build that m2e-wtp creates for use within eclipse.

Eclipse Luna and later

For Eclipse Luna you have to go:

Preferences > Maven > Java EE Integration and uncheck "Maven Archiver generates files under the build directory".

Eclipse Luna does not have the path at project Properties and the WTP section

Solution 2:

This solution works for me Rightclick on Project --> Properties --> Maven --> Java EE Integration --> check enable project specific settings and disable Maven archiver generates files

Solution 3:

Try to select your project, and clean it by using the menu :


Then refresh your pom.xml. That worked for me .

Solution 4:

Try Eclipse -> Project -> Clean

Then right click Your project --> Team --> Share Project --> SVN --> Choose your svn and ok

Everything should be solved

Solution 5:

Right click on Your Project, go to properties and then to Project Facets, now go to Runtime tab on the right and select the server and click on apply, the error message would be gone.