How to join multiple lines of file names into one with custom delimiter?

I would like to join the result of ls -1 into one line and delimit it with whatever i want.

Are there any standard Linux commands I can use to achieve this?

Solution 1:

Similar to the very first option but omits the trailing delimiter

ls -1 | paste -sd "," -

Solution 2:

EDIT: Simply "ls -m" If you want your delimiter to be a comma

Ah, the power and simplicity !

ls -1 | tr '\n' ','

Change the comma "," to whatever you want. Note that this includes a "trailing comma"

Solution 3:

This replaces the last comma with a newline:

ls -1 | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$/\n/'

ls -m includes newlines at the screen-width character (80th for example).

Mostly Bash (only ls is external):

saveIFS=$IFS; IFS=$'\n'
files=($(ls -1))

Using readarray (aka mapfile) in Bash 4:

readarray -t files < <(ls -1)

Thanks to gniourf_gniourf for the suggestions.