How to concatenate strings in twig

Anyone knows how to concatenate strings in twig? I want to do something like:

{{ concat('http://', }}

Solution 1:

This should work fine:

{{ 'http://' ~ }}

To add a filter - like 'trans' - in the same tag use

{{ ('http://' ~ | trans }}

As Adam Elsodaney points out, you can also use string interpolation, this does require double quoted strings:

{{ "http://#{}" }}

Solution 2:

Also a little known feature in Twig is string interpolation:

{{ "http://#{}" }}

Solution 3:

The operator you are looking for is Tilde (~), like Alessandro said, and here it is in the documentation:

~: Converts all operands into strings and concatenates them. {{ "Hello " ~ name ~ "!" }} would return (assuming name is 'John') Hello John!. –

And here is an example somewhere else in the docs:

{% set greeting = 'Hello' %}
{% set name = 'Fabien' %}

{{ greeting ~ name|lower }}   {# Hello fabien #}

{# use parenthesis to change precedence #}
{{ (greeting ~ name)|lower }} {# hello fabien #}