How to integrate OpenCV into Qt Creator Android project

Solution 1:

Edit: For OpenCV 4.x see the answers below. My answer was tested on OpenCV 2.4 only.

Original answer:

First, I downloaded OpenCV-2.4.10-android-sdk, and put into my project directory. It contains static libraries, and link order matters for static libraries for GCC. So you need to order them just so. This is how my .pro file looked in the end ($$_PRO_FILE_PWD_ refers to the project directory):

INCLUDEPATH += "$$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/OpenCV-2.4.10-android-sdk/sdk/native/jni/include"
android {
    LIBS += \


After that the project will compile but it will fail to run with the error

E/AndroidRuntime(11873): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load library: link_image[1891]:   176 could not load needed library '' for '' (load_library[1093]: Library '' not found)

To overcome this, you need to add to your APK, and then manually load it from That's what the ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR=$$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/android line at the end was for. Now you need to place here:


You can get from the Android target build directory, in my case the full path was c:\Workspace\build-MyProject-Android_for_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_4_0-Debug\android-build\src\org\qtproject\qt5\android\bindings\, and just copy it.

Then you find those lines in it:

        // now load the application library so it's accessible from this class loader
        if (libName != null)

And load before them, so they become:

        // This is needed for OpenCV!!!

        // now load the application library so it's accessible from this class loader
        if (libName != null)

Note that you pass opencv_java to System.loadLibrary(), even though the file is

Edit: I forgot to mention, but I already had installed OpenCV Manager on my phone when trying to run one of the samples that come with OpenCV-2.4.10-android-sdk, so I don't know if it's needed or not. In any event, keep it in mind, if it fail even after my steps, you might need to download OpenCV Manager (it's available on the Google Store).

Edit 2: I'm using adt-bundle-windows-x86-20140702, android-ndk-r10d, OpenCV-2.4.10-android-sdk, Qt Creator 3.3.0, and my build target is "Android for armeabi-v7a (GCC 4.9, Qt 5.4.0)".

Edit 3: From Daniel Saner's comment:

In OpenCV 3.x, opencv_java has been renamed to opencv_java3. Also, while I didn't look into the specific changes that might have effected this, the workaround regarding that library in the final step seems to no longer be necessary. The app compiles and runs without the ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR line

Edit 4: @myk's comment:

Worked for me with OpenCV 3.2. To workaround the build issues with carotene finish the LIBS+ section with: -lopencv_videostab\ -ltegra_hal\ – myk 2 hours ago

Solution 2:

For OpenCV 4, sashoalm's approach did not work for me until I adapted it:

  1. Download the Android-Pack and unzip it somewhere. We'll create a qmake-variable OPENCV_ANDROID which points to that directory later.
  2. Add the following snippet to your *.pro-file:

    android {
        contains(ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH,arm64-v8a) {
            isEmpty(OPENCV_ANDROID) {
                error("Let OPENCV_ANDROID point to the opencv-android-sdk, recommended: v4.0")
            INCLUDEPATH += "$$OPENCV_ANDROID/sdk/native/jni/include"
            LIBS += \
                -L"$$OPENCV_ANDROID/sdk/native/libs/arm64-v8a" \
                -L"$$OPENCV_ANDROID/sdk/native/3rdparty/libs/arm64-v8a" \
                -llibtiff \
                -llibjpeg-turbo \
                -llibjasper \
                -llibpng \
                -lIlmImf \
                -ltbb \
                -lopencv_java4 \
            ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS = $$OPENCV_ANDROID/sdk/native/libs/arm64-v8a/
        } else {
            error("Unsupported architecture: $$ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH")

    This will work for the arm64-v8a only. If you happen to build for another architecture (apparently 32-Bit is still the default for Qt@Android), you must change the .../libs/arm64-v8a part of the paths (occurs 3 times) and the same to match your actual target-architecture (the contains(...)-part in the second line of the snippet).

  3. Tell qmake where to find the SDK. Add the following to qmake-call: "OPENCV_ANDROID=/path/to/OpenCV-android-sdk".
    • e.g., this looks like qmake "OPENCV_ANDROID=/home/user/OpenCV-android-sdk" from command line.
    • when you use QtCreator, add "OPENCV_ANDROID=..." to the "Additional arguments"-field. You can find it after enabling the Project-Mode in the Build-section of the android-kit. Expand the qmake-field under Build Steps