How to connect to internet using wired PPPOE connection?

I tried following the Internet how-to guide to connect to my ISP, but I got stuck after the instruction to run sudo pppoeconf. It asks for my ISP account password, when I try to enter it, no text appears on the screen, and when I press enter, it says that the password is incorrect. But, I am sure that the password is the same one I am using in Windows 7.

Please let me know how to proceed further?

Just follow these steps:

  1. Check that the ethernet cable is properly connected
  2. Open Terminal
  3. Run sudo pppoeconf
  4. Enter root password
  5. Answer all the question that will be asked with an answer "Yes"
  6. Finally type pon dsl-provider

To stop connection run poff dsl-provider

You need to be root to setup a pppoe connection with pppoeconf. Try this code in a terminal window:

sudo pppoeconf

You're saying that you can't see the field for typing the password, and maybe you should exit to console terminal (pressCtrl+Alt+F1) and login as user which is your username for Ubuntu, and then try to run command sudo pppoeconf to see what happens.

After setup for pppoe configuration begins, you are told what to do next step by step. You should use the default settings suggested in pppoeconf for MTU, DNS servers and so on (press YES each time you are asked for it). You can change these settings later on if you have to, there are plenty of tutorials for that. Also, when asked if you want internet connection to be triggered at start-up press YES, it makes things easier for you.

Pppoeconf asks you for both your username and the password assigned to you by you Internet service provider, the same that you use in Windows 7 when you setup your Internet connection. First type in your username, press OK, and at next screen you should be able to type your 'password' and press OK again.

Pppoeconf tool for Internet configuration and Gnome network Manager are somehow conflicting one with each other so you have to remove 'gnome network manager' before using pppoeconf or you can forget about pppoeconf and setup a new DSL connection using gnome network manager which allows you to make a new PPPOE connection in the DSL section (press ADD button to make a new ppp connection, and then use your username and password, same as in WIN7).

Default commands for starting and stoping a connection configured with pppoeconf are:

sudo pon dsl-provider (this one starts or restarts your DSL connection)

sudo poff dsl-provider (this one stops your DSL connection)

You should remember these commands because it could happen after reboot to see that Internet is not working even if your DSL connection is up and running. To solve this problem you must stop connection in a terminal, and then restart it, and that is why you need to remember how to start and stop a DSl connection configured with pppoeconf.

Good luck with this one, I know it is a little bit confusing for the moment but you made the right choice. You get more speed for your Internet connection and better results with pppoeconf than with Gnome Network Manager and its DSL connection.