Upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04 no unity dash for default user special compiz config

I've upgraded my Ubuntu from 13.10 to 14.04 using the Ubuntu suggested option, everything went well -- meaning no report of corrupted update or anything - but when I rebooted and logged in again there was no desktop, meaning all I was getting was a black screen and the mouse pointer. I looked through the other threads on here and tried the solutions on there, it didn't really worked.

All I've been able to do was after removing and re-installing the lightdm manager I was able to get the top bar in the logging screen, but after actually logging in with the default user I only get a top bar with File Wiew Help etc and I can't open a terminal using Ctrl AtlT. I had some special compiz configuration in 13.10, but I've removed it and the problem is still not solved. Another thing, if I log in with a guest user I get both the top and side bar in Ubuntu.

If you guys have any idea what I could do it would be appreciated.


Thanks for your input but none of them helped sadly.

Dpn I tried to do what you suggested and I couldn't run the first command, I got the following error:

 Error: cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY

And, Daniel your solution didn't change anything at all, I already had that files in the place with configured exactly as you suggested.

Is there a way for me to copy the settings from the guest account in the default account? Or a way to compare the 2 configurations and see what's different?

Thanks, any advice would be appreciated!

L.L.E. I fixed it, I don't know if it helps anyone but, what I did was to reinstall the compiz-core:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall compiz-core

and then to remove the files in the .cache and .config folders

sudo rm -rf ~/.config/dconf/user
sudo rm -rf ~/.cache/compizconfig-1

Hope this helps others!

Thanks for the support!

ITs because your lightdm is crashed. Do the following things


You will get tt1

Login as username = root

Password what you set for you system

Now enter the following lines

vim /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-unity-greeter.conf.dpkg-bak //an editor opens b4 u

Delete what is there and add the following lines





Also edit the following file

vim /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-ubuntu.conf





Now Restart the system using the following command

init 6 //Reboot system