Is there a proverb for “if there's a simple solution for solving a problem don't choose a more complicated one”? [duplicate]

Is there an idiom/ phrase/ expression or proverb that conveys this meaning:

"As long as there is a more simple solution for solving a problem don't choose a more complicated one."
or: "when you can do something in a more simple way, why do you use a more difficult way?"

we use this proverb in Farsi:

"When you can open a knot with your hands, you don't have to open it with your teeth!"

Suppose that there are some different ways for solving a problem (and all of them will work), if you choose the most complicated solution among those available ways, instead of trying the more simple ones at first, you'll be criticized by being told this proverb. (It doesn't necessarily mean that your making the problem bigger, it just mean that you postpone solving the problem by using that complicated available solution).

You can use this proverb specially in political issues, for example; as long as negotiation can work, there in no need to use military actions.

Edit( sep 25th):

I just found this proverb: "Cross the stream where it is shallowest."

Do you think that it could be the answer to my question?

Maybe this one gets close:

Don't use sledgehammer to crack a nut.


To use 'a sledgehammer to crack a nut' means to use disproportionate force or expense to overcome a minor problem

The phrase finder

A very common idiomatic phrase used in this context is "the hard way". E.g.:

  • "You really like doing things the hard way don't you?"

  • "Why do things the hard way?"

A similar idiom that refers to making things unnecessarily difficult for yourself in the sense of creating potential future problems, is:

  • Making a rod for your own back.

There's actually a single word that conveys this: roundabout. Eg. "That's a roundabout way of doing it it".

I don't think there is an idiomatic expression with that precise connotation; a phrase that is often used in similar contexts is:

  • Why make life difficult?