Remove "WD Unlocker" partition from WD My Book

Solution 1:

To uninstall WD Unlocker, you would need to have WD Security installed.

  1. Connect your hard drive that you want to remove WD unlocker from.

  2. Double click on WD security and and a box for ""Edit Security Setting" will pop-up.

  3. There is an option for "Remove Password", if it is not already selected, select it.

  4. Put in your password and click "Update Security Setting."

  5. A box will pop-up that says "Your Password Has Been Removed." And WD Unlocker should be completely removed.

Link to Photo

Solution 2:

For Mac OS X:

Removing physically is fairly cumbersome and apparently only doable in Linux. The following script is so fast you never see it appear.

If there were a security module that could refuse mounts based on various criteria, you could presumably hook into that. I don't know enough about that level of Mac OS X innards.

  1. Open Automator
  2. Create a new job based on "Folder Action"
  3. Set Folder Action receive source to "Other..."
  4. In the File Chooser Dialog, press Cmd-Shift-G and type /Volumes/
  5. Choose Actions → Utilities → Run Shell Script in the UI
  6. Enter the code:

if [[ -d "/Volumes/WD Unlocker" ]]; then
  hdiutil unmount -force "/Volumes/WD Unlocker"

as the script

  1. Save the script

  2. Tolerate the toothy gap: Icon Be Gone

Successful completion

Solution 3:

Enter the wrong password five times - the option to erase drive will pop-up - all WD software will be removed and will not bother you again. It will erase the disk - so back-up its contents first ....