how to get scp logs on remote server

Basically, I want to log each and every file which is sent or received via SCP on the server.

Let say a user does a SCP from Server-1 to Server-2. I figured out the way to get logs on senders side, but how to get what is been transferred on the receiver's side?

I want the logs on the receiver's side containing the names of the files which are transferred to it via SCP.

Also to get logs on senders side I am using my bash script which first save the filename to a log file and then use SCP to transfer it. Is there any better approach to do so.

Thanks in advance for any suggestion.

I just found an interesting soloution others might be interested in:

When using scp it actually also calles the binary on the Server with the -f flag. This means that one can write a simple wrapper for the server-side scp, like this:

First change your original scp's name:

mv /usr/bin/scp /usr/bin/scp-org

Than create a simple scripte in its name:

sudo nano /usr/bin/scp

with the contents:


scp-org $@ | tee >(grep -aEo "[CD][0-7]{4} [0-9]* .*$" --line-buffered >> /var/log/scp.log)

This could of course be refined, but it works as a example. You can now use tail -f /var/log/scp.log and see all files beeing transfered in real time