Another phrase for "a chicken and egg situation"

Is there any other phrase that conveys the same meaning as the phrase "a chicken and egg situation" especially if one has to use this phrase in an official/corporate set up?

The causality dilemma or cause and effect dilemma:

  • The ‘causality dilemma’ of “which came first, the chicken or the egg?” To ancient philosophers, the question about the first chicken or egg also ignited the question(s) of how life and the universe began in general.


  • "The relationship between an event (the cause) and a second event (the effect), where the second event is a consequence of the first."


A compelling reason for seeking an alternative is that "chicken and egg" no longer carries the original meaning, or at least not in scientific circles.

The consensus in the scientific community, based on fossil evidence considered by the majority of paleontologists to be overwhelming, is that birds, including by definition chickens, evolved from dinosaurs. See e.g Dinosaurs laid eggs. Therefore the egg came first and the phrase no longer provides an example of the causality dilemma.

Replacing "egg" with "chicken's egg" might offer an alternative, but hardly an elegant one. For day-to-day use the original phrase is probably adequate; the INTENDED meaning remains clear and most will allow some poetic licence even if aware of its defficiencies.

Until someone can think of a better alternative, perhaps for formal use as per the original posting those who don't wish to risk standing corrected are stuck with something along the lines of "we have a causality dilemma"!