Short expression to convey "but consider the source"

Is there a short phrase (one to three words), Latin or otherwise, that conveys "but consider the source"?

For example, "I heard that pigs fly on television (your phrase here)."

I'm thinking perhaps a phrase that begins with the Latin word "caveat".

Solution 1:

You are probably thinking of caveat emptor, let the buyer beware.


This is reported as new Latin, dating back to the 16th century.

While it literally refers to purchases, it often is used more generally to mean, be wary.

Solution 2:

You can also use the figurative phrase "take it with a grain of salt," if you adjust the original sentence slightly:

"I heard that pigs fly, but the report was on television, so take it with a grain of salt."

The idiom is defined in Christine Ammer, The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms (1997) as follows:

with a grain of salt Also, with a pinch of salt. Skeptically, with reservations. For example, I always take Sandy's stories about illnesses with a grain of salt—she tends to exaggerate. This expression is a translation of the Latin cum grano salis, which Pliny used in describing Pompey's discovery of an antidote for poison (to be taken with a grain of salt). It was soon adopted by English writers.