How would I get everything before a : in a string Python

I am looking for a way to get all of the letters in a string before a : but I have no idea on where to start. Would I use regex? If so how?

string = "Username: How are you today?"

Can someone show me a example on what I could do?

Just use the split function. It returns a list, so you can keep the first element:

>>> s1.split(':')
['Username', ' How are you today?']
>>> s1.split(':')[0]

Using index:

>>> string = "Username: How are you today?"
>>> string[:string.index(":")]

The index will give you the position of : in string, then you can slice it.

If you want to use regex:

>>> import re
>>> re.match("(.*?):",string).group()

match matches from the start of the string.

you can also use itertools.takewhile

>>> import itertools
>>> "".join(itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x!=":", string))

You don't need regex for this

>>> s = "Username: How are you today?"

You can use the split method to split the string on the ':' character

>>> s.split(':')
['Username', ' How are you today?']

And slice out element [0] to get the first part of the string

>>> s.split(':')[0]