Old folder icon in Google Drive app on OS 10.10 Yosemite

It would appear that Google Drive does not automatically update itself when you upgrade to Yosemite. I have just manually upgraded Drive (http://www.google.ca/drive/download/) and now, after a few minutes, it has automatically updated all of my icons.

The folder icon is controlled by the app used to sync with Google Drive. Until the app is updated with a new icon, it will not change.

Yes you can change it. Right Click on the 'Google Drive' app in your Applications folder, select 'Show Package Contents'. Navigate to ▸ Contents ▸ Resources ▸ lib ▸ python2.7 ▸ resources ▸ images. There you will find a 'folder-mac.icns' image. You can replace that image with your own Yosemite Google Folder icon image.

As someone has stated above, the main problem with this is that you'll have to change it every time the app updates, but you can resolve this making an automator workflow.

Automator-> File-> New

Look for "Run shell script"

Then configure it like this: Shell: /bin/sh Pass input: to stdin

And the command should be something like: cp new_icon_path default_icon_path

cp just copies some file to some place (or over another file, overwritting it)

default_icon_path: "/Applications/Google Drive.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/resources/images/folder-mac.icns"

new_icon_path: that's where you wanna keep the new version. It could be something like: "/Users/your_username/new_icon.icns" (where you must substitute your_username for your own one)

So it would look like: cp "/Users/John Doe/new_icon.icns" "/Applications/Google Drive.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/resources/images/folder-mac.icns"