docker postgres with initial data is not persisted over commits

The problem is that the postgres Dockerfile declares "/var/lib/postgresql/data" as a volume. This is a just a normal directory that lives outside of the Union File System used by images. Volumes live until no containers link to them and they are explicitly deleted.

You have a few choices:

  • Use the --volumes-from command to share data with new containers. This will only work if there is only one running postgres image at a time, but it is the best solution.
  • Write your own Dockerfile which creates the data before declaring the volume. This data will then be copied into the volume when the container is created.
  • Write an entrypoint or cmd script which populates the database at run time.

All of these suggestions require you to use Volumes to manage the data once the container is running. Alternatively, you could write your own Dockerfile and simply not declare a volume. You could then use docker commit to create a new image after adding data. This will probably work in the short term, but is definitely not how you should work with containers - it isn't repeatable and you will eventually run out of layers in the Union File System.

Have a look at the official Docker docs on managing data in containers for more info.

Create a new Dockerfile and change PGDATA:

FROM postgres:9.2.10

RUN mkdir -p /var/lib/postgresql-static/data
ENV PGDATA /var/lib/postgresql-static/data

You should be all set with the following command. The most important part is the PGDATA location, which should be anything but the default.

docker run -e PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/pgdata -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=YourPa$$W0rd -d postgres