Return value of recursive function is 'undefined'

Whenever I execute this snippet the console.log before return returns the array with 20 times the value 23. However console.log(Check(users, 0, 20)); returns only 'undefined'.

What am I doing wrong?

var users = [23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23];
console.log(Check(users, 0, 20));

function Check(ids, counter, limit){

    // Recursion
    if (counter+1 < limit){
        Check(ids, counter+1, limit);
    else {
        return ids;

Solution 1:

You forgot to return a result from the point, where you entering recusrion.

var users = [23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23];
console.log(Check(users, 0, 20));

function Check(ids, counter, limit){

    // Recursion
    if (counter+1 < limit){
        return Check(ids, counter+1, limit); // return here!
    else {
        return ids;

But return value seems useless, cause' your function altering initial array as well.