Does have a list of all .com domains?

When I do dig, it quickly returns the nameservers for and the IP addresses for those nameservers (glue records).

Does that mean (and * have a record of all .com domains locally? They respond very quickly, so I don't think they're making a further query themselves. Similarly, a request for's nameservers doesn't redirect me to or anything.

I do realize is probably several machines and that I'm being routed to the one nearest me (through that new one-ip-multiple-machine technology), but this would just mean several other machines have all .com domains.

EDIT: Thanks to everyone who answered! Followup question: if someone "hacks into" one of these machines, couldn't they get a list of all .com domains? This seems like useful information, unless it's already available somewhere for free? I realize domain information is public, but is still difficult to obtain in bulk. I'm guess * don't support zone transfers (though .edu's nameservers did, at least a few years ago).

NOTE: I realize isn't an actual domain-- just replace it with any other .com domain above (I originally had, but someone correctly edited it to avoid using a real domain name).

Yes, the "" are the authoritative servers for the "com" top level domain, so they have all the "pointers" for the .com domains. You can see the nameservers for the TLD by running

dig -t ns com
dig -t ns us
dig -t ns dk
dig -t ns aero

Do a query for the domain itself – dig com. – and look for the "authoritative answer" flag:

snowflake ~ $ dig com | grep flags
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0