Make minimized window move to the end of the alt-tab list
Solution 1:
Instead of minimizing, hit Alt-Esc. This will put the window at the bottom of the Z-order.
Solution 2:
AFAIK- it's not the bottom of the Z-order, unless I'm missing something.
When you do Alt-Esc and then Alt-Tab, the window you Alt-Esc-aped comes right back.
Solution 3:
From a similar question Getting back the old alt-tab windows switching behavior in Windows 7?:
To restore the XP Alt-Tab functionality simply, lauch regedit, add a DWORD named AltTabSettings to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer and set its value to 1.
You need to restart Explorer for changes to take effect (restarting your computer is an easy way to do this)
Personally I prefer the 3D Aero flip (Windows Key + Tab) which (on my system at least) pushes minimised apps to the back of the stack