Python - Locating the position of a regex match in a string?

You could use .find("is"), it would return position of "is" in the string

or use .start() from re

>>>"is", String).start()

Actually its match "is" from "This"

If you need to match per word, you should use \b before and after "is", \b is the word boundary.

>>>"\bis\b", String).start()

for more info about python regular expressions, docs here

I don't think this question has been completely answered yet because all of the answers only give single match examples. The OP's question demonstrates the nuances of having 2 matches as well as a substring match which should not be reported because it is not a word/token.

To match multiple occurrences, one might do something like this:

iter = re.finditer(r"\bis\b", String)
indices = [m.start(0) for m in iter]

This would return a list of the two indices for the original string.