Bar chart with ID indicator

Maybe something like this:

  1. Bring you data in lang format with pivot_longer
  2. transform Id and name to factor type
  3. use ggplot

df %>% 
  ) %>% 
  mutate(Id = factor(Id),
         name=factor(name, levels = c("total_steps", "total_sleeps", "total_calories"))) %>% 
ggplot(aes(x=Id, y=value, fill=name, label=value))+
  geom_col(position=position_stack()) +
  geom_text(aes(label = value,family = "serif"), position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5))+


df <- structure(list(Id = c(8378563200, 5577150313, 4702921684, 4388161847, 
7086361926, 6962181067, 4445114986, 5553957443, 4319703577, 1503960366, 
2026352035, 3977333714, 6117666160, 8792009665, 4020332650, 2347167796
), total_steps = c(8377719, 6477458, 7174818, 7710336, 6972600, 
9412809, 4163404, 8276690, 5858684, 9390475, 4832044, 9227036, 
3551544, 806370, 562272, 2570310), total_sleeps = c(427769, 336960, 
349432, 285324, 337125, 430528, 334335, 445408, 384183, 279217, 
439363, 246660, 241304, 189515, 86645, 120636), total_calories = c(3302554, 
2620514, 2482164, 2205930, 1909368, 1904733, 1897616, 1802526, 
1642368, 1407725, 1337280, 1271480, 1139616, 853605, 591680, 
551730)), row.names = c(NA, -16L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", 

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