How can I troubleshoot high latency issues with StarCraft:BW?

A couple of friends and myself have been trying to play StarCraft: Brood War on, but every time we try to join each others' game we always get a 'High Latency Issue' and full red bars next to the game name.

We've searched for answers, and tried opening our ports like recommends but so far nothing has worked.

Does anyone know how to fix this issue?

Try having a third party host a game for you. Alternatively, you can try joining your friend's game and then leaving and hosting a game afterward. Somehow this can "clear" you to join without latency issues thereafter.

Both techniques have solved similar issues for me in the past.

If you use a router, try to open 6112-6117 UDP ports.

And also to make better latency of while playing games.

Try to use Chaoslauncher and make rooms with #L2, #L1 at the end.

Although you will be able to play with players with launcher with that title name.

You can feel like you're playing in UDP or IPX but not in