Is there a word for a place you've already been?

Is there a particular word (slang or not) or perhaps a phrase that describes a location or place you've already visited?

"All the old familiar places"
has a page all of its own, But since the phrase has been appropriated, not to say subverted, by the Joker, 'haunts' might be a better choice

plural noun: haunts (This is the Google response)

a place frequented by a specified person.
"the bar was a favourite haunt of artists of the time"
synonyms: hang-out, stamping ground, meeting place,  
territory, domain, purlieu, resort,

Collins gives both verb (haunt) and noun (haunt / haunts)

haunt (verb) Collins Dictionary
to visit (a place) frequently

also (noun)

(often plural) a place visited frequently "an old haunt of hers"

I believe you are looking for Sojourned or Toured

From the Oxford Dictionary

Sojourn - Stay somewhere temporarily: i.e. she had sojourned in Egypt

Tour - A short trip to or through a place in order to view or inspect something, A journey for pleasure in which several different places are visited, i.e. they had toured in a little minivan