2010 MacBook Pro does not DHCP on a certain network (WiFi and Ethernet)

As the title suggests, My Mac will not receive an address via DHCP from a certain network. No matter if it's connected via WiFi or ethernet, it always fails. Even when I boot into Windows 7 there's no luck (so it's not the OS). All the other computers, older MacBooks, and iPod/Phones work great on the network. Take it to a different network and it works flawlessly.

Has anyone else had this problem? Did you find a way to fix it?

Update: Manually entering a valid IP (copied from another computer that's on the network) gets me a connection. The issue seems to be just in the DHCP.

Solution 1:

Have you tried to set 'Configure IPv6' to OFF in the Network > Advanced settings for the en0 ?

I've just had a sim problem as yours (never got an address, other windows machines worked) that was resolved by turning it off. Then my IPv4 address was received.

Solution 2:

Two shots in the dark here: does the network in question require a DHCP Client ID to be set in Network Preferences? (System Preferences > Network > Advanced > TCP/IP)? Some networks do require that.

Second, is the router set to block the MBP's MAC address? That would account for the failure to connect via OS X or Win7. Hard to believe that could be the case, but I suppose it's possible.

Solution 3:

My issue was fixed by clearing the NVRAM (hold ⌘ Command⌥ OptionPR at boot up untill it chimes twice). I never did try the IPV6 thing so that might work, too.