What is a word for someone who enjoys discussions? [closed]

Someone who enjoys discussions could be described as?

Solution 1:

A conversationalist:

conversationalist n

  1. a person who enjoys or excels in conversation

[ Collins]

{discussion n.

  1. Consideration of a subject by a group; an earnest conversation.

[ AHDEL] }

Solution 2:

This answer takes into consideration the comments posted along with the question.

If my understanding is correct, the German word "Diskussionsfreudigkeit" means having a propensity to debate or keen to debate.

Hence, maybe you're looking for "debater".


a person who engages in debate


  • a discussion between people in which they express different opinions about something
    ~ Merriam-Webster.com

  • to engage in argument or discussion / to dispute or disagree about
    ~ Dictionary.com