What is the word that means conversation where no important information is conveyed? [closed]

Solution 1:

In communication studies, there is an adjective which is usually accompanied by the word communion, and that is phatic.

We exchanged pleasantries and the usual phatic communion, but unfortunately there was no meeting of the minds.

Asking how a person is doing, talking about the weather, saying things like "Is it hot enough for you?" and so on, all qualify as phatic communion, since no consequential information is exchanged. That doesn't mean phatic communion is without merit. In its favor it does grease the wheels of sociability and bonhomie. It also fills awkward pauses and silences.

Solution 2:

Perhaps you're referring to information theory? In this context, a conversation might be deemed "high entropy" if it communicates a lot of information or "low entropy" if not.

Solution 3:

blather (ˈblæðə) or blether

vb 1. (intr) to speak foolishly n. 2. foolish talk; nonsense
3. a person who blathers

tittle-tattle (ttl-ttl) TFD

n. Petty gossip; trivial talk.
intr.v. tit·tle-tat·tled, tit·tle-tat·tling, tit·tle-tat·tles

To talk idly or foolishly; gossip.