"Same old, same old" [closed]

Technically, "same old, same old" is a reduplication, a repetition for the purpose of emphasis. It is an idiom, and is usually used alone, e.g. You know. Same old same old. (or, It's the same old same old.) As such, I suppose it could be two adjectives, repeated. It means same old thing.

The etiology is unclear. The usage first showed up in the 1970s in American black English, according to Cassell’s Dictionary of Slang.

In “Bamboo English,” a 1955 article in the journal American Speech, Arthur M. Z. Norman suggests that samo, samo originated in the Japanese tendency to use reduplication when speaking pidgin English.

However, in A New Voyage Round the World (1703), by explorer William Dampier:

“They (the people of Mindanao) would always be praising the English, as declaring that the English and Mindanaians were all one. This they exprest by putting their two fore-fingers close together, and saying that the English and Mindanaians were samo, samo, that is, all one.”

In a 2001 posting to the Linguist List, Douglas G. Wilson states that samo, samo may have been coined not by the Japanese but by US soldiers – as baby talk the GIs used in an attempt to communicate, repeating each word slowly, with ‘o’ on the end: same-o, same-o.

- in for a dime, in for a dollar.