Who are the most inspiring communicators of math for a general audience?

I have a podcast series (http://wildaboutmath.com/category/podcast/ and on Itunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/sol-ledermans-podcast/id588254197) where I interview people who have a passion for math and who have inspired others to take an interest in the subject.

I've interviewed Alfred Posamentier, Keith Devlin, Ed Burger, James Tanton, and other math popularizers I know. I'm trying to get an interview set up with Ian Stewart and I'll see if I can do interviews with Steven Strogatz and Cliff Pickover in 2013.

Who do you know, famous or not, who I should try to get for my series? These people don't need to be authors. They can be game designers, teachers, toy makers, bloggers or anyone who has made a big contribution to helping kids or adults enjoy math more.

Solution 1:

Well, there's Vi Hart. Basically a bunch of youtube videos that show you just enough math to get you interested.

Solution 2:

John Horton Conway - Most Famous for the Game of Life, but also a contributor to recreational mathematics in general. As well as being a coauthor of the ATLAS of finite groups.

Roger Penrose - Mathematical Physicist and creator of Penrose Tiles a way of tiling the plane only non-periodically. His book The Emperor's New Mind is a well recommended layman's discussion of Computability and Artificial Intelligence.

Raymond Smullyan - Has created many books on recreational logic including To Mock a Mockingbird.

Solution 3:

I haven't heard him, but I get the impression Terry Tao would be good.