Will my Linksys AE2500 run on Ubuntu?

I have a Linksys AE2500 made by Cisco and was wondering if it will work or run with no "hiccups".

Solution 1:

I tried it on my Sony desktop pvc-rs710 and it works but not stable.

What I tried with this wireless Linksys AE2500 on my Sony desktop Ubuntu:

  1. From another computer with network connection, download ndiswrapper*.tar.gz and Windows XP driver for this wireless from Cisco site.
  2. Copy both files (ndiswrapper tar and windows XP wireless zip file into /tmp)
  3. Extract and install with these commands

    tar -xzvf ndiswrapper...
    cd ndiswrapper
    sudo make uninstall
    sudo make 
    sudo make install
    unzip Windows xp wireless driver zip -- we will have file *.inf in xp folder
    sudo ndiswrapper -i xp/<file>.inf
    sudo modprobe ndiswrapper

Solution 2:

It will be challenging. Please see this Ubuntu Forums thread.

And here: Installing CISCO Linksys AE2500 Wireless Adapter in Linux

I suspect it will work in a 32-bit system only.