Keyboard and touch pad is not working on a Dell XPS 15z

Solution 1:

I have a XPS 15z too and I will tell you what I did on my xps. First, about the keyboard i don't know what happend with yours, on my notebook it works very well, i think that you will have to reinstall ubuntu to fix this. But for the touchpad has a simple solution, you will open the terminal (ctrl+alt+T), type sudo gedit /etc/rc.local and edit the file wich opened. Before the line exit 0 you will add the following lines:

sudo modprobe -r psmouse
sudo modprobe psmouse proto=imps

Save the file and reboot the computer, i believe after this the touchpad will work. Another thing is about the videocard, it not works in ubuntu, i try so many solutions but anyone works.

I hope i could help you, sorry about my "english', its not my native language.