Remove Ubuntu 20.04 Try/Install screen

How can I remove the Try Ubuntu / Install Ubuntu screen on my 20.04 Persistent USB drive?

Being diverted to this screen increases boot time on both Rufus and mkusb Persistent USB drives.

I would prefer a GRUB menuentry for installing Ubuntu.

Solution 1:

Removing the Try Ubuntu / Install Ubuntu Screen

For mkusb, (12.4.3), the Try/Install screen can be eliminated by removing "maybe-ubiquity" from the persistent grub.cfg menuentry, on a drive made using mkusb. Try/Install has been removed from Persistence option in latest version of mkusb.

For Rufus, (3.10), the Try/Install screen can be eliminated in BIOS mode by overwriting the contents of syslinux.cfg with:

default persistent
label persistent
  say Booting an Ubuntu Persistent session...
  kernel /casper/vmlinuz
  append  file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper persistent initrd=/casper/initrd quiet splash noprompt --

In UEFI mode the Try/Install screen can be eliminated by removing "maybe-ubiquity" from the persistent grub.cfg menuentry.

For Unetbootin, (677), there is not a problem with Try/Install in BIOS mode, but in UEFI mode the Try/Install screen can be eliminated by removing "maybe-ubiquity" from the first grub.cfg menuentry.

The grub.cfg menuentry for installing Ubuntu is:

menuentry "Install Ubuntu" {
    set gfxpayload=keep
    linux   /casper/vmlinuz  file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper only-ubiquity quiet splash ---
    initrd  /casper/initrd