I am trying to set up a postgres database in a Rails app in Cloud9.

I have followed the instructions here: https://docs.c9.io/setting_up_postgresql.html and set up a database called cc_database.

My database.yml file looks like this:

  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: SQL_ASCII
  database: cc_database
  pool: 5
  username: postgres
  password: password

When I run rake db:setup I get the following error:

 PG::ConnectionBad: FATAL:  Peer authentication failed for user "postgres"

I am quite new to all this, so any advice would be much appreciated.

Solution 1:

Do the following steps:

  1. Create a new username and password for postgresql on cloud9:

    $ sudo service postgresql start
    $ sudo sudo -u postgres psql
    postgres=# CREATE USER username SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'password';
    postgres=# \q
  2. Create ENV variables on cloud9:

    $ echo "export USERNAME=username" >> ~/.profile
    $ echo "export PASSWORD=password" >> ~/.profile
    $ source ~/.profile

    My database.yml for rails 4.2.0 on cloud9:

    default: &default
      adapter: postgresql
      encoding: unicode
      pool: 5
      username: <%= ENV['USERNAME'] %>
      password: <%= ENV['PASSWORD'] %>
      host:     <%= ENV['IP'] %>
      <<: *default
      database: sample_app_development
      <<: *default
      database: sample_app_test
      <<: *default
      database: sample_app_production
  3. Include the gem pg in Gemfile and install:

    gem 'pg', '~> 0.18.2'

    $ bundle install
  4. Update template1 postgresql for database.yml on cloud9:

    postgres=# UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = FALSE WHERE datname = 'template1';
    postgres=# DROP DATABASE template1;
    postgres=# CREATE DATABASE template1 WITH TEMPLATE = template0 ENCODING = 'UNICODE';
    postgres=# UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = TRUE WHERE datname = 'template1';
    postgres=# \c template1
    postgres=# VACUUM FREEZE;
    postgres=# \q
  5. From command line run:

    bundle exec rake db:create

Solution 2:

The postgresql in cloud9 is setup to authenticate with peer when localhost connection. So the quickly resolution is change the user in your database.yaml to current user. In my case the name of user is ubuntu. To see your current user use the command

$ echo $USER

So a list of command in terminal is .

$ sudo su - postgres
$ createuser ubuntu -dslP
$ Enter password for new role: **same password from your yaml file**
$ Enter it again:

Set your yaml file like this

  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: SQL_ASCII
  database: cc_database
  pool: 5
  username: ubuntu
  password: password

Now you can run

rake db:create
rake db:migrate

Solution 3:

Use the username "ubuntu" with a blank password. My database.yml looks like this:

adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: myflix_development
pool: 5
username: ubuntu

adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: myflix_test
pool: 5
username: ubuntu

If it then complains the password is wrong, try changing the password using Cloud9's instructions:

In the command line, type: sudo sudo -u postgres psql

postgres=# \password
Enter new password: leave it blank and press enter
Enter it again: leave it blank and press enter
postgres=# \q

I'm pretty new to this to. Hope that works!