Can I use a steam controller with Overwatch?

Solution 1:

Yes, it's fully compatible with Steam Controllers. You'll be at a slight disadvantage against keyboard/mice players, but it should still work fine.

Here's an example of a player using the Steam Controller to play Overwatch. Appropriate buttons can be mapped in the Controls settings.

To actually get Overwatch compatible with the Steam Controller, it must be run through Steam, so:

  1. Select the option Games -> Add a Non-Steam Game to my Library
  2. Add Overwatch.exe to your library. enter image description here
  3. Launch Overwatch through Steam.

Note that this will also cause you to have two clients running, both Steam, and, so you may want to avoid setting up a controller if you have issues running both clients at the same time.

This is just an overview, but reddit user /u/malecden has a very good setup tutorial listed here on reddit. in order to get the Steam Controller functionality to work with OW.