How to upload image file with additional information like label or alt value in express-fileupload?

I am trying to add a label text in file object but when uploading in node.js through express-fileupload. Its uploading the file but label is missing.

const [files, setFiles] = useState([]);

const imageLabelChanger = (index, e) => {
   const value =;
    //insert label and value for specifix image by index

   files[index].file.label = value;
 const FD = new FormData();

 const createProduct = (e) => {

    for (let i in files) {
        FD.append("productImageArray", files[i].file);
    dispatch(addProductImage(paramId, FD));

With this code i am getting the files object


output: [
            "id": 7,
            valid: true,
            "file": File{
            label: "oxygen blue",
            lastModified: 1642222607314,
            lastModifiedDate: Sat Jan 15 2022 10:26:47 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) {},
            name: "galaxy-8.jpeg",
            size: 8433,
            type: "image/jpeg",
            "id": 8,
            valid: true,
            "file": File{
            lastModified: 1642222607314,
            lastModifiedDate: Sat Jan 15 2022 10: 26: 47 GMT+0530(India Standard Time) {},
            name: "galaxy-9.jpeg",
            size: 9458,
            type: "image/jpeg",

After file upload i am getting file object but not getting the actual files object what i was send using formData,label key and its value is missing


    output: [
                    lastModified: 1642222607314,
                    lastModifiedDate: Sat Jan 15 2022 10:26:47 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) {},
                    name: "galaxy-8.jpeg",
                    size: 8433,
                    type: "image/jpeg",
                    lastModified: 1642222607314,
                    lastModifiedDate: Sat Jan 15 2022 10: 26: 47 GMT+0530(India Standard Time) {},
                    name: "galaxy-9.jpeg",
                    size: 9458,
                    type: "image/jpeg",

Please help me how can i make that things i think this problem is with req.files may be it doesn't take any extra property so if there has any way to achieve this.

Advance Thank you

Solution 1:

I a, not sure if this is applicable to your situation but I usually attach a 'body' object with the additional details when sending files. Something like this:

const [files, setFiles] = useState([]);

const imageLabelChanger = (index, e) => {
   const value =;
    //insert label and value for specifix image by index

   files[index].file.label = value;
 const FD = new FormData();

 const createProduct = (e) => {

    for (let i in files) {
        FD.append("productImageArray", files[i].file);
        FD.append("productImageArrayLabels", files[i].file.label); // Add another property to the formData here
    dispatch(addProductImage(paramId, FD));

That way you'd have a files object and a body object on the server:

  1. Files: productImageArray
  2. File Labels: productImageArrayLabels