How add event listener to Figma currentPage

I wrote plugin with UI for Figma using figma-api and TypeScript. Project consist of two main files:

  • code.ts for calling figma-api

  • ui.html with <script>...</script> with plugin`s user interface.

My plugin is working with data of selection on current page, so I send from code.ts into ui data of for example this object:


How can I add event listener to figma.currentPage? For example, if user selected some other element on figma board, figma.currentPage.selection will change and I want to sent new data into ui.

Have you any ideas?

I think this is the answer.

figma.on('selectionchange', () => {

Probably not the best approach but rather a quick hack that works. I am looking for the same answer but for now, I do this.

Basically, assign an initial variable layer. Then, check every few seconds for a change and if var is different from the previous var then assign a new one.

I hope that helps until we get a normal way of doing this.

    var selected;

    selected = figma.currentPage.selection[0];

    setInterval(() => {

      var selectedNew = figma.currentPage.selection[0];

      if (selected != selectedNew) {

        selected = selectedNew;


    }, 3000)