Snappy scrolling in RecyclerView

With LinearSnapHelper, this is now very easy.

All you need to do is this:

SnapHelper helper = new LinearSnapHelper();

It's that simple! Note that LinearSnapHelper was added in the Support Library starting from version 24.2.0.

Meaning you have to add this to your app module's build.gradle

compile ""

Edit: AndroidX LinearSnapHelper

I ended up coming up with something slightly different than the above. It's not ideal, but it's working acceptably well for me, and may be helpful to someone else. I won't accept this answer in the hopes that someone else comes along with something better and less hacky (and it's possible that I'm misunderstanding the RecyclerView implementation and missing some simple way of doing this, but in the meantime, this is good enough for government work!)

The basics of the implementation are these: The scrolling in a RecyclerView is sort of split up between the RecyclerView and the LinearLayoutManager. There are two cases that I need to handle:

  1. The user flings the view. The default behavior is that the RecyclerView passes the fling to an internal Scroller which then performs the scrolling magic. This is problematic because then the RecyclerView usually settles in an unsnapped position. I solve this by overriding the RecyclerView fling() implementation and instead of flinging, smoothscroll the LinearLayoutManager to a position.
  2. The user lifts their finger with insufficient velocity to initiate a scroll. No fling occurs in this case. I want to detect this case in the event that the view is not in a snapped position. I do this by overriding the onTouchEvent method.

The SnappyRecyclerView:

public final class SnappyRecyclerView extends RecyclerView {

    public SnappyRecyclerView(Context context) {

    public SnappyRecyclerView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public SnappyRecyclerView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

    public boolean fling(int velocityX, int velocityY) {
        final LayoutManager lm = getLayoutManager();        

      if (lm instanceof ISnappyLayoutManager) {
            super.smoothScrollToPosition(((ISnappyLayoutManager) getLayoutManager())
                    .getPositionForVelocity(velocityX, velocityY));
            return true;
        return super.fling(velocityX, velocityY);

    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent e) {
        // We want the parent to handle all touch events--there's a lot going on there, 
        // and there is no reason to overwrite that functionality--bad things will happen.
        final boolean ret = super.onTouchEvent(e);
        final LayoutManager lm = getLayoutManager();        

      if (lm instanceof ISnappyLayoutManager
                && (e.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP || 
                    e.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL)
                && getScrollState() == SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) {
            // The layout manager is a SnappyLayoutManager, which means that the 
            // children should be snapped to a grid at the end of a drag or 
            // fling. The motion event is either a user lifting their finger or 
            // the cancellation of a motion events, so this is the time to take 
            // over the scrolling to perform our own functionality.
            // Finally, the scroll state is idle--meaning that the resultant 
            // velocity after the user's gesture was below the threshold, and 
            // no fling was performed, so the view may be in an unaligned state 
            // and will not be flung to a proper state.
            smoothScrollToPosition(((ISnappyLayoutManager) lm).getFixScrollPos());

      return ret;

An interface for snappy layout managers:

 * An interface that LayoutManagers that should snap to grid should implement.
public interface ISnappyLayoutManager {        

     * @param velocityX
     * @param velocityY
     * @return the resultant position from a fling of the given velocity.
    int getPositionForVelocity(int velocityX, int velocityY);        

     * @return the position this list must scroll to to fix a state where the 
     * views are not snapped to grid.
    int getFixScrollPos();        


And here is an example of a LayoutManager that subclasses the LinearLayoutManager to result in a LayoutManager with smooth scrolling:

public class SnappyLinearLayoutManager extends LinearLayoutManager implements ISnappyLayoutManager {
    // These variables are from android.widget.Scroller, which is used, via ScrollerCompat, by
    // Recycler View. The scrolling distance calculation logic originates from the same place. Want
    // to use their variables so as to approximate the look of normal Android scrolling.
    // Find the Scroller fling implementation in android.widget.Scroller.fling().
    private static final float INFLEXION = 0.35f; // Tension lines cross at (INFLEXION, 1)
    private static float DECELERATION_RATE = (float) (Math.log(0.78) / Math.log(0.9));
    private static double FRICTION = 0.84;

    private double deceleration;

    public SnappyLinearLayoutManager(Context context) {

    public SnappyLinearLayoutManager(Context context, int orientation, boolean reverseLayout) {
        super(context, orientation, reverseLayout);

    private void calculateDeceleration(Context context) {
        deceleration = SensorManager.GRAVITY_EARTH // g (m/s^2)
                * 39.3700787 // inches per meter
                // pixels per inch. 160 is the "default" dpi, i.e. one dip is one pixel on a 160 dpi
                // screen
                * context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density * 160.0f * FRICTION;

    public int getPositionForVelocity(int velocityX, int velocityY) {
        if (getChildCount() == 0) {
            return 0;
        if (getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL) {
            return calcPosForVelocity(velocityX, getChildAt(0).getLeft(), getChildAt(0).getWidth(),
        } else {
            return calcPosForVelocity(velocityY, getChildAt(0).getTop(), getChildAt(0).getHeight(),

    private int calcPosForVelocity(int velocity, int scrollPos, int childSize, int currPos) {
        final double dist = getSplineFlingDistance(velocity);

        final double tempScroll = scrollPos + (velocity > 0 ? dist : -dist);

        if (velocity < 0) {
            // Not sure if I need to lower bound this here.
            return (int) Math.max(currPos + tempScroll / childSize, 0);
        } else {
            return (int) (currPos + (tempScroll / childSize) + 1);

    public void smoothScrollToPosition(RecyclerView recyclerView, State state, int position) {
        final LinearSmoothScroller linearSmoothScroller =
                new LinearSmoothScroller(recyclerView.getContext()) {

                    // I want a behavior where the scrolling always snaps to the beginning of 
                    // the list. Snapping to end is also trivial given the default implementation. 
                    // If you need a different behavior, you may need to override more
                    // of the LinearSmoothScrolling methods.
                    protected int getHorizontalSnapPreference() {
                        return SNAP_TO_START;

                    protected int getVerticalSnapPreference() {
                        return SNAP_TO_START;

                    public PointF computeScrollVectorForPosition(int targetPosition) {
                        return SnappyLinearLayoutManager.this

    private double getSplineFlingDistance(double velocity) {
        final double l = getSplineDeceleration(velocity);
        final double decelMinusOne = DECELERATION_RATE - 1.0;
        return ViewConfiguration.getScrollFriction() * deceleration
                * Math.exp(DECELERATION_RATE / decelMinusOne * l);

    private double getSplineDeceleration(double velocity) {
        return Math.log(INFLEXION * Math.abs(velocity)
                / (ViewConfiguration.getScrollFriction() * deceleration));

     * This implementation obviously doesn't take into account the direction of the 
     * that preceded it, but there is no easy way to get that information without more
     * hacking than I was willing to put into it.
    public int getFixScrollPos() {
        if (this.getChildCount() == 0) {
            return 0;

        final View child = getChildAt(0);
        final int childPos = getPosition(child);

        if (getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL
                && Math.abs(child.getLeft()) > child.getMeasuredWidth() / 2) {
            // Scrolled first view more than halfway offscreen
            return childPos + 1;
        } else if (getOrientation() == VERTICAL
                && Math.abs(child.getTop()) > child.getMeasuredWidth() / 2) {
            // Scrolled first view more than halfway offscreen
            return childPos + 1;
        return childPos;


I've managed to find a cleaner way to do this. @Catherine (OP) let me know if this can be improved or you feel is an improvement over yours :)

Here's the scroll listener I use.

I've omitted some minor assumptions here like for eg.

1) Initial and final paddings: First and last items in the horizontal scroll need to have initial and final paddings respectively set so that the initial and final views are at center when scrolled to first and last respectively.For eg in the onBindViewHolder you could do something like this.

public void onBindViewHolder(ReviewHolder holder, int position) {
//Only one element
//>1 elements assign only initpadding

 public class ReviewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {

    protected TextView tvName;
    View container;

    public ReviewHolder(View itemView) {
        tvName= (TextView) itemView.findViewById(;

The logic is prettty generic and one can use it for a lot of other cases. My case the recycler view is horizontal and stretches the entire horizontal width without margins( basically recyclerview's center X coordinate is the screen's center)or uneven paddings.

Incase anyone is facing issue kindly comment.

I also needed a snappy recycler view. I want to let the recycler view item snap to the left of a column. It ended up with implementing a SnapScrollListener which I set on the recycler view. This is my code:


class SnapScrollListener extends RecyclerView.OnScrollListener {

    public void onScrollStateChanged(RecyclerView recyclerView, int newState) {
        if (RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE == newState) {
            final int scrollDistance = getScrollDistanceOfColumnClosestToLeft(mRecyclerView);
            if (scrollDistance != 0) {
                mRecyclerView.smoothScrollBy(scrollDistance, 0);


Calculation of snap:

private int getScrollDistanceOfColumnClosestToLeft(final RecyclerView recyclerView) {
    final LinearLayoutManager manager = (LinearLayoutManager) recyclerView.getLayoutManager();
    final RecyclerView.ViewHolder firstVisibleColumnViewHolder = recyclerView.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(manager.findFirstVisibleItemPosition());
    if (firstVisibleColumnViewHolder == null) {
        return 0;
    final int columnWidth = firstVisibleColumnViewHolder.itemView.getMeasuredWidth();
    final int left = firstVisibleColumnViewHolder.itemView.getLeft();
    final int absoluteLeft = Math.abs(left);
    return absoluteLeft <= (columnWidth / 2) ? left : columnWidth - absoluteLeft;

If the first visible view is scrolled more than the half width out of the screen, the next visible column is snapping to the left.

Setting the listener:

mRecyclerView.addOnScrollListener(new SnapScrollListener());