Efficient use of Construction Robots

Solution 1:

Actually there is no way. The following workaround should help:

  • place a roboport with construction robots in the target area (dont connect the port)
  • place a yellow chest including all blueprint parts next to the port
  • use blueprint
  • after completition fill the gap of roboports to connect the robonetwork to your main factory

This way they will construct while you can place belts, or do whatever you want.

It's not as perfect as you'd like to have it, but this is the closest possibility to what you want to achieve.

Solution 2:

If you had more personal roboports, the limit of robots would increase. This would increase the upper limit of things possible to build by the robots in one run.

I have to agree, that the logic here is far from perfect and the planner should be smarter here, as it is obviously stupid to send the robots from FAR FAR away, when waiting just 1 more second allows you to use the nearby robot.