What is the fastest way to get 99 extra lives?

Solution 1:

After posting my question, I wondered if reloading a save file would reset the extra lives in Orient Express, since I couldn't recall an easier level that had that many extra lives laying around. It did.

That is, I followed these steps:

  • Load up the game
  • Run through Orient Express (stage 3, world 1)
  • Save my file
  • Load that same file
  • Repeat steps 2-4

It took me roughly 45 minutes to get 99 lives this way.

After doing this, I decided to search and see if there had been a faster way to accomplish this and I came across PowerPyx's trophy guide and surprisingly enough, the prescribed life farming method described was exactly what I'd done:

It’s possible to farm lives by repeating the same level over and over again and collecting all apples & extra lives in it. A great place to farm is Level 3: Orient Express. You can get 5 lives per playthrough and it only takes 1 minute (pressing R2 makes you go faster). To make the lives respawn finish the level, create a manual save game (press L2 and Square to save), then press X to reload the manual save immediately. Now replay the level and repeat the manual save & reload trick.

Thus, it looks like the best place to farm lives is Orient Express.