Allow scp/ssh for www-data user

Solution 1:

On Debian, which Ubuntu is based on, the www-data user has /bin/sh as the default shell. To enable SFTP, you can create /var/www/.ssh/authorized_keys with you public key in it. The permissions on /var/www/.ssh should be 700, and the permissions on the authorized_keys file should be 600. You'll want to add the following to your http configuration to prohibit access to this directory.

<Directory /var/www/.ssh>
  Order Deny,Allow
  Deny from all

You can verify the www-data users settings (home dir, shell, etc) using getent passwd www-data.

Make sure your sshd_config has Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server, and you'll probably want to set PasswordAuthentication no also.

Solution 2:

This is kind of insecure. I would suggest you to upload to an intermediate area using another user and run a cron job from time to time to move stuff where it belogs and change its permissions accordingly.

If you really insist on logging on as www-data, you must use a ssh private key to do that (AFAIK EC2 instances only allow key authentication). You must also check that www-data has a valid shell on /etc/passwd and a valid home dir.

In the end, you can also try some solutions of this question.