Is there a way to remove "Last message repeated x times" from logs?

On BSD systems, syslogd has -c option, you could start syslogd -cc to disable this feature.

On linux (checked on Debian), man syslogd lists no such option.

It would seem that there is no way to turn it off under linux:'last-message-repeated'-compression-on-lin/

Control repeat message filtering using $RepeatedMsgReduction in /etc/rsyslog.conf (it's on by default on Ubuntu systems):

# Filter duplicated messages
$RepeatedMsgReduction on

More details:

On RedHat-family distros, or distros using rsyslogd, you add -e to SYSLOGD_OPTIONS in /etc/sysconfig/rsyslog.

Then restart the rsyslog service.

On Ubuntu, you can add -e to RSYSLOGD_OPTIONS in /etc/default/rsyslog and "restart rsyslog". It's not documented in the man page, but it works.