Windows 7 hangs on black screen for a while after log in

Solution 1:

The black screen at login is usually cause by a service that starts at login timing out waiting for something to happen.

I had this happen when I enabled (but didn't configure) the NFS client in Windows 7. As soon as I removed the NFS option it suddenly started logging in fast.

Solution 2:

Do you have network drives?? Remove them!

It seems strange, but they can cause the same problem (for 6-7 minutes), when Windows tries to assign letters to network drives at startup, but fails because they are offline.

Its explanation was given here in Mark Russinovich's blog (the founder of Sysinternals).

Solution 3:

I have seen this when a USB DVD was connected to a system and also when a specific USB flash drive was connected. Black screen with cursor for quite a while.

Disconnected and all was normal.

Solution 4:

Sometimes Windows can hang for awhile during startup if it has trouble getting a dynamic IP address assigned from your DHCP server. Can you boot into Safe Mode with Networking? If you get the same black screen, try resetting your cable/DSL modem.