Can I use TOR browser without using TOR network?

The TOR browser is a nice browser even without TOR. Using full on TOR seems a bit extreme to me and is beyond my patience, on the other hand, using a normal Firefox feels like yelling my canvas fingerprints all over the internet. Can I configure the TOR browser to not go through the TOR network?

Upper right hand side of Tor Browser click on the three horizontal bars, click on Options, select the Advanced tab, click on Network, click on Settings, select "No Proxy" and hit OK.

Then type "about:config" into the url bar, go to "network.proxy.socks_remote_dns" right click and select Toggle.

At that point your browser won´t be using TOR proxy to access to the internet, but if you also want to disable the TOR service running in the background type "about:config" into the url bar, go to "extensions.torlauncher.start_tor", right click and select Toggle

Hope i`ve helped you :)