Does Apple Magic Mouse fully work on Windows 7 x86/x64?

I would like to know if Apple Magic Mouse works on Windows 7 (x86/x64) on non-Apple computers.

Here are some checklists:

  • x64 compatibility
  • left click
  • right click
  • middle button?
  • vertical scroll
  • horizontal scroll
  • bind additional gestures to keystrokes?
  • are any usage problems?

In case it works please advise on how to get the drivers.

You can download the latest installers (from Boot Camp 3.1):

  • AppleMouse-31.exe
  • AppleKeyboard-31.exe

They are working with both Wireless products including the new Magic Mouse. I'm not sure if these are including only x64 versions.

As of today I have the mouse working with Windows 7 Ultimate x64 on a Dell D630 using the Dell bluetooth.

Apple drivers from bootcamp 3.1, downloaded today, unpacked with 7-zip.

The only things on your list that are not working are middle-click and gestures, but I haven't had it long nor used it extensively so it's early to call it "great" but already a huge improvement over the trackpad. - apparently 32-bit and 64-bit drivers for Windows XP to Windows 7. Haven't personally tried it though.

Yes the Magic Mouse works with Windows 7. If you are using Boot Camp 2.x from Leopard, you can acquire the driver from the Boot Camp 2.2 update. If you are using Boot Camp 3.0 from Snow Leopard, you can extract the driver from the Boot Camp 2.2 .exe file using 7-zip.