FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain code =4 error

When I'm trying to run iOS application in Xcode 6 in iPhone 6 simulator, I'm getting error Unable to run app in Simulator.

And error code is:

An error was encountered while running (Domain = FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain, Code = 4)

Can any one suggest how to resolve it?

enter image description here

Solution 1:

This worked for me:

iOS Simulator -> Reset Contents and Settings... -> Reset

menu bar screenshot

are you sure screenshot

referenced from Qiita: Unable to run app in Simulator エラーの対応方法.

Solution 2:

Just closing the iOS Simulator worked for me.

There is not always the need to reset the iOS Simulator. I did not even had to close Xcode.

Solution 3:

This happened to me once when I added some assets as symbolic links (through ln -sf). Even installing to devices was failing.

After I removed the links and made a hard copy, it worked and error was gone.