How to hide databases that I am not allowed to access

Solution 1:

Had the same issue, as its a shared space on AWS with 1000 other DBs.

pgAdmin 3

  1. Make sure you are disconnected from your server.
  2. Right click your Server -> properties -> Advanced tab.
  3. In 'DB restriction' type in the name of your database(s) enclosed in single quotes and separated by spaces. E.g. 'dback447'

pgAdmin 4

Same as above, but on step 3 do not use quotes, just the plain DB name. E.g dback447

pgAdmin 4 version 6.1

Same as above, but press Tab after entering the name of each database. Commas or spaces take your string as a name of one single database.

And you have to press Tab even if you want to type only one database name, otherwise the Save button ignores your changes.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Solution 2:

pgAdmin 4 does not contain the 'DB Restriction' which is the only reason I am not using it, forcing me to settle for pgAdmin 3.

There was a ticket opened up to add this functionality in pgAdmin 4 ...

Solution 3:

The latest version of pgAdmin 4 (2.0) has the DB restriction property too in the "Advanced" tab of the server connection property, much the same as in pgAdmin 3. No quotes needed.