convert string array to string

string[] test = new string[2];

test[0] = "Hello ";
test[1] = "World!";

string.Join("", test);

A slightly faster option than using the already mentioned use of the Join() method is the Concat() method. It doesn't require an empty delimiter parameter as Join() does. Example:

string[] test = new string[2];
test[0] = "Hello ";
test[1] = "World!";

string result = String.Concat(test);

hence it is likely faster.

A simple string.Concat() is what you need.

string[] test = new string[2];

test[0] = "Hello ";
test[1] = "World!";

string result = string.Concat(test);

If you also need to add a seperator (space, comma etc) then, string.Join() should be used.

string[] test = new string[2];

test[0] = "Red";
test[1] = "Blue";

string result = string.Join(",", test);

If you have to perform this on a string array with hundereds of elements than string.Join() is better by performace point of view. Just give a "" (blank) argument as seperator. StringBuilder can also be used for sake of performance, but it will make code a bit longer.


String.Join("", test);

which should return a string joining the two elements together. "" indicates that you want the strings joined together without any separators.

Aggregate can also be used for same.

string[] test = new string[2];
test[0] = "Hello ";
test[1] = "World!";
string joinedString = test.Aggregate((prev, current) => prev + " " + current);