how can I resize an animated GIF file using ImageMagick?

I want to resize such an animated GIF file do.gif enter image description here

If I do convert do.gif -resize 24x24\! do-24.gif I get it resized in do-24.gif but not animated enter image description here

How to resize it right way to get the same animation?

first run:

convert do.gif -coalesce temporary.gif


convert -size <original size> temporary.gif -resize 24x24 smaller.gif

I was looking for imagemagick solution as I am familiar with it, but in the end I went with @sam's suggestion of gifsicle. It did just what I wanted, no hassle.

Can optimize resulting file size in so many ways, but I went with just reducing the size and reducing number of colors. Worked like a charm:

gifsicle --resize 48x48 --colors 16 original.gif > smaller.gif