Best way to read a config file in bash

As mbiber said, source another file. For example, your config file (say some.config) would be:


And your script could look like:

#! /bin/bash

# Optionally, set default values
# var1="default value for var1"
# var1="default value for var2"

. /path/to/some.config

echo "$var1" "$var2"

The many files in /etc/default usually serve as configuration files for other shell scripts in a similar way. A very common example from posts here is /etc/default/grub. This file is used to set configuration options for GRUB, since grub-mkconfig is a shell script that sources it:

if test -f ${sysconfdir}/default/grub ; then
  . ${sysconfdir}/default/grub

If you really must process configuration of the form:

var1 some value 1
var2 some value 2

Then you could do something like:

while read var value
    export "$var"="$value"
done < /path/to/some.config

(You could also do something like eval "$var=$value", but that's riskier than sourcing a script. You could inadvertently break that more easily than a sourced file.)

Use source or . to load in a file.

source /path/to/file


. /path/to/file

It's also recommended to check if the file exists before loading it because you don't want to continue running your script if a configuration file is not present.