How to open eml files?

Solution 1:

I found that these instructions to be very helpful

For the love of command line tools, instead of the visual/heavy Thunderbird/KMail or Evolution.

sudo apt-get install mpack

Then to extract the eml contents

munpack 1.eml

In my case I need to use -t to get past the following error messages

munpack ./ServerPerformance.eml 
tempdesc.txt: File exists
image001.jpg.2 (image/jpeg)

I then get every thing out like this.

munpack -t ./ServerPerformance.eml 
part1 (text/plain)
part2 (text/html)
image001.jpg.3 (image/jpeg)

Solution 2:

I saved attachment after I opened with File->Open Saved Messages... menu in Thunderbird.

Solution 3:

If you have Chromium you can drop eml files on it and it will show properly. On my Raspbian Chromiun is default.

Solution 4:

  • Save the .eml file in any place in your computer.
  • Install this plug-ins here. (see important note you can import EML files in IMAP accounts).

    To install the extension, follow this procedure:

    • download the xpi file that you find in this page or in the homepage, right clicking on the link and choosing "Save target as";
    • in Thunderbird, go in "Tools" ➜ "Addons" (or "Extensions") and click on "Install";
    • pick the xpi file you downloaded and follow the instructions;
  • Restart Thunderbird.

  • Go to Tools ➜ ImportExportTools ➜ Import eml File and find your file.

Solution 5:

You can use MHonArc (what a website 😍) to convert the .eml files to HTML, if you want something command-line-y but pandoc isn't working out for you (it didn't for me):

sudo apt install mhonarc
mhonarc -single file.eml > file.html