Recursive tar compression?

I'd like to create a tar file to compress a folder that contains sub folders. I'm trying with the following command int in the terminal:

tar -czf folder directorios.tar.gz

directorios.tar.gz would be the result

Solution 1:


tar -czvf directorios.tar.gz folder

A few notes:

  1. Recursion is the default, from the tar man pages:

    -c, --create
        Create a new archive.  Arguments supply the names of the files to be archived.
        Directories  are  archived  recursively,  unless  the --no-recursion option is

    Although this can be turned off by using the --no-recursion option...

  2. You need the archive name immediately after the -f option, the correct sequence being:

    tar -c [-f ARCHIVE] [OPTIONS] [FILE...]
  3. For a more flexible command line (particularly if you wanted to use other compression utilities apart from gzip with tar) you could omit the -z option and use -a or --auto-compress option to allow tar to automatically decide which compressor to use based on the archive suffix:

    -a, --auto-compress
        Use archive suffix to determine the compression program.

    Recognised suffixes (and their attendant compressing applications) are:

    • .gz : gzip
    • .tgz : gzip
    • .taz : gzip
    • .z : compress
    • .taZ : compress
    • .bz2 : bzip2
    • .tz2 : bzip2
    • .tbz2 : bzip2
    • .tbz : bzip2
    • .lz : lzip
    • .lzma : lzma
    • .tlz : lzma
    • .lzo : lzop
    • .xz : xz
    • .zst : zstd
    • .tzst : zstd

tar is pretty cool :)


  • 8.1.1 Creating and Reading Compressed Archives Sound information on using the auto-compress options with tar as well as the possibilities for accomplishing the same goal with a more manual and flexible option...