Solution 1:

There are three primary options.

  1. Debug using Safari. This is good for debugging a hybrid app, but cannot tell you output related to native plugins.
  2. Open the project and build to device in Xcode. This shows the output of the entire device
  3. Debug with Ionic CLI. Using ionic run ios -l -c -s with the flags will use live reload and print the logs to the console.

Solution 2:

Similar to the first answer, here's how I debug on iOS.

ionic emulate ios -lc

Which runs app using simulator and outputs console logs and errors to terminal with live reloading.

Solution 3:

i'm using ionic 2 and typescript. you can use debugger keyword to debug on ios like this:

enter image description here

then open safari -> developer -> simulate -> index.html, good luck

enter image description here

Solution 4:

You can use Visual Studio Code with the following extension:

Regards, Nicholls