Browser size (width and height)

Solution 1:

// first get the size from the window
// if that didn't work, get it from the body
var size = {
  width: window.innerWidth || document.body.clientWidth,
  height: window.innerHeight || document.body.clientHeight

Solution 2:

function getWindowSize(){
 var d= document, root= d.documentElement, body= d.body;
 var wid= window.innerWidth || root.clientWidth || body.clientWidth, 
 hi= window.innerHeight || root.clientHeight || body.clientHeight ;
 return [wid,hi]

IE browsers are the only ones who don't use innerHeight and Width.

But there is no 'standard'- just browser implementations.

Test the html (document.documentElement) clientHeight before checking the body- if it is not 0, it is the height of the 'viewport' and the body.clientHeight is the height of the body- which can be larger or smaller than the window.

Backwards mode returns 0 for the root element and the window (viewport) height from the body.

Same with width.